Wednesday, January 2, 2008

cheeses and pimples

to those who read the title and barfed their lunch. im sorry.
i cannot say that i know how you feel since i still haven't eaten my lunch. yet.
my question is: is there any scientific findings that eating cheese causes pimples. well, i dont want the answer. because if the answer is a positive, i dont know how i would be able to bear it.
it's just that momsy is watching me like a hawk.
i ordered green mango shake in a restaurant and she told me that mangoes cause pimples.
i told her im going to sleep now and she scolded me about washing the sheets and pillow cases first because they might have dust that may cause pimples.
and yesterday, i was going to eat some cheese i found and she warned me that it might cause a breakout of pimples.
look, i understand if she warned me about eating chocolates (though it never stopped me), but cheeses? i love cheese as the next...mouse! i love cheese sticks in cheese powder. i love cheese-flavoured popcorn. i love all kinds of cheeses that i've tried. well except for queso de bola. it just seems so...big.
so if there is really a scietific finding that eating cheese causes pimples, then im going to die. well, figuratively. great, i just remember the goosebumps title 'say cheese and die again.' what---ever!!

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